Published: 20 October 2021

Introducing our new pathways: Law and Technology and Philosophy, Politics and Law

We talked to two students currently studying on The University of Surrey School of Law’s new pathways, Law and Technology and Philosophy, Politics and Law, to find out why they chose them, and what advice they’d give to students considering these areas.

The Surrey School of Law is excited to announce two new LLB programme pathways —Law and Technology and Philosophy, Politics, and Law. Both draw upon the law school’s strengths, empowering students to acquire distinctive valuable skills for today’s employment market.

Dr Chris Taggart, Senior Lecturer   

Law and Technology Pathway

This Pathway includes all the core subjects required for a qualifying law degree, while giving you the opportunity to specialise in law and technology and gain digital lawyering skills that are critical to the changing global economy and workplace. Employers are increasingly seeking out professionals who are well versed in technology and the law to be employable in a competitive and evolving legal market.

Meet final year Law and Technology student, Grace Woodman

“What attracted me to Surrey was the placement and study abroad prospects. The strong focus on professional training and the excellent links with partner universities really sold the university to me. The opportunities provided at Surrey are a great way to elevate your studies and help you prepare for employment.

During my study exchange (at Gent University) I had the chance to study a variety of technology-based modules and this really developed my interest in this area of law. So, when I saw the new pathway, I knew it was an opportunity that I couldn’t miss.

Technological advancements are extremely relevant in the shaping of today’s legal environment and there is an ever-growing market for professionals with this subject background. The pathway offers a really unique learning experience and a great chance to make your degree stand out to employers.

Get involved in as much of the law school as possible, there are so many opportunities to develop personally, academically and professionally. I would suggest looking into the Surrey Law and Technology Hub for some excellent chances to hear from and work with partners of the university.”

Philosophy, Politics and Law Pathway

The heightened analytical skills that can be obtained on our Philosophy, Politics and Law Pathway are increasingly in demand by employers. As technology eliminates simplistic tasks, employers are progressively seeking law graduates who have complex problem-solving skills, can think abstractly, argue critically and find creative solutions to novel legal problems. This is what our course delivers.

Meet third year Philosophy, Politics and Law student, Mitch Thornton

“I chose Surrey partly because I thought the location was perfect; quaint enough to be homely but close enough to London to be lively. Surrey also extended a lot of grace to me throughout the application process which I really appreciated, and it solidified that it was the right place for me.

I chose the PPL pathway to broaden my horizons as much as possible, but also because I am deeply interested in every element of the course and how they intersect to form one cohesive course where the philosophy and politics elements provide a more enriched understanding of the law, and vice-versa. 

Highlights from this pathway include the opportunity to learn from decorated academics across three areas rather than just one, for example the availability of politics modules that I would not have had access to on the straight law pathway.

If someone were considering studying PPL at Surrey I would encourage them to do it. It’s so enriching, the academics at the university are excellent and it will expose you to a world of knowledge you couldn’t find on a different course!”

Find out more

We are ranked in the top 20 for law in the UK by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 and 15th for employability in law in the Guardian University Guide 2021.

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