Published: 17 March 2022

Inside Surrey societies: MechSoc

Joining a society linked to your subject is a fantastic way of gaining access to a range of events, making new friends and enriching your Surrey experience. We go inside the Society and find out what’s on offer.

MechSoc has a thriving membership of over 200 students from across the mechanical engineering sciences courses, as well as other disciplines like maths and sociology/criminology - which makes joining the Society a great way of meeting people you wouldn’t normally cross paths with.

MechSoc offers both social and career-related events throughout the year. Recently this has included quizzes on Instagram, a Halloween costume competition, virtual escape rooms, student/staff social evenings, a talk from the Royal Aeronautical Society and an industry panel discussion with Lockheed Martin and Royal Engines. 

The Society also focuses on fundraising. During the pandemic members were encouraged to get out on their bikes – wherever they were in the world – for a Cycling Challenge in aid of the Samaritans.

Wellbeing champions

An important part of MechSoc’s work is the support it offers students. The Society has a number of ‘wellbeing champions’ – members of the committee who are always on hand to give help and advice.

Current member and former Social Secretary of MechSoc Chloe Pegg comments:

"MechSoc is the most supportive society I’ve ever been a part of. The committee shares so much information on different issues people may be experiencing, which helps to remove the stigma around mental illness while also providing support to those affected. This has helped me personally many times by making me feel less alone and also connecting me to helplines if I have needed them.”

MechSoc member Tomas Morgan agrees: “MechSoc provides a judgement-free zone where everyone can feel welcomed and accepted. Thanks to the Society, I’ve met and befriended course mates where typically I would have kept to myself. It’s made my University experience better than I expected, and I always look forward to what is planned next.”

Find out more about MechSoc on the MechSoc Facebook page.

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