Inside Surrey societies: EARS
Joining Surrey’s Electronics and Amateur Radio Society (EARS) connects you to a passionate community of fellow engineers and gives you 24/7 access to amazing workshop facilities. We talk to President Alp Orgun to find out how EARS can add to your Surrey experience.

If the thought of exploring electronics projects in an open workshop environment alongside like-minded people appeals to you, then EARS is the society to join. As a member of the Society you can build your own projects using a variety of electronic, amateur radio and space technology equipment within two dedicated facilities on campus: ‘Makerspace’ and the ‘Radio Shack’.
President Alp Orgun explains: “In the Makerspace, members get their hands on impressive equipment such as 3D printers, CNC machines for printing circuit boards, and test equipment such as oscilloscopes. We also have a ‘pick and place’ machine which enables you to accurately place components on a circuit board.”
Meanwhile the Radio Shack, located on the top of the AB building, has a wide range of amateur radio satellite equipment which enables students to communicate with people all over the world.
Alp says: “EARS gives you the opportunity to build a project either on your own or in a team with other students. That might be a robot arm using 3D printed parts, a rocket or a space rover – in fact a team from EARS even worked on the Mars lunar project, building a rover capable of running on the moon.
“Society members can also take part in our annual scraphEEp Challenge when students are asked to build a robot or machine using scraps from around the lab. In the past the challenge has been to build a robot that can swim or take on an obstacle course, and this year’s challenge will be themed on ‘robot wars’.” - Alp Orgun
In addition to offering exceptional workshop facilities, EARS runs widely popular computer coding courses in Arduino and Python, both of which are very useful throughout your studies and into your future. When there is adequate demand, all three tiers of amateur radio licence courses have been run in the past.
Having joined EARS, members gain 24/7 access to Makerspace once they have completed an initial induction, with plenty of equipment set up across three work stations ensuring that everyone has access to what they need. The Society has over 70 members from across electrical and electronic engineering degrees and other disciplines.
Vice-President Sam Lane adds: “For anyone who has an aptitude and interest in electronics, amateur radio or space technology, EARS is the place to indulge that passion.”
Find out more about EARS or look out for their stand at the Freshers’ Fair during Welcome Week.
Discover our courses in electrical and electronic engineering.