Implementing green infrastructure for air pollution abatement: General recommendations for management and plant species selection
The Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) team at the University of Surrey, UK, have recently published a freely accessible guidance document on air pollution abatement by green infrastructure (GI).

This document on air pollution abatement by green infrastructure (GI) summarises best practice regarding the implementation of GI for improved urban air quality and reduced pedestrian exposure to traffic emissions. Generic (i.e. not site-specific) recommendations are offered for two typical urban environments: built-up street canyons and open roads. A number of significant considerations in terms of appropriate and targeted plant species selection are also presented alongside a table of potentially viable tree and shrub species for urban GI in the UK.
This guidance document serves as a supplement to several recent, relevant publications, including the Mayor of London’s guide, Using Green Infrastructure to Protect People from Air Pollution, which was created in collaboration with GCARE.
Citation details
Kumar, P., Abhijith, K.V., Barwise, Y., 2019. Implementing Green Infrastructure for Air Pollution Abatement: General Recommendations for Management and Plant Species Selection. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.8198261.v1
Guildford Living Lab
The iSCAPE project is funded by the Horizon 2020 under the grant agreement no. 689954. Read more about the iSCAPE Guildford Living Lab work.