Focusing on future air transport challenges
A new agreement designed to address the future challenges of the aviation industry has been signed between University of Surrey and CAA International (CAAi), the training and advisory services arm of the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

The memorandum of understanding will support joint research and education programmes in civil aviation and air transport management.
The agreement with CAAi covers activities including collaborating on training and master degrees, jointly undertaking research and student sponsorship.
Professor Iis Tussyadiah, Head of School of Hospitality, Tourism, Transport and Events at the University of Surrey, added: “We welcome the mutual understanding with CAAi, which formalises and strengthens the strategic relations with aviation regulators. It is a unique opportunity to collaborate in the provision of aviation education programmes and research projects, and to address the future challenges of the industry on a national and a global scale.”
Maria Rueda, Managing Director at CAAi commented: “We are very pleased to collaborate with the prestigious University of Surrey and support postgraduate education in civil aviation and aerospace. Air transport faces many new challenges and opportunities – from net zero flight to urban air mobility. By working with the University of Surrey, we’re committed to developing education programmes that best equip aviation professionals with the skills and insight they will need to help the future of flight flourish.”