Five reasons to study physics at Surrey
What makes our physics degrees different and what’s the secret behind our graduates’ success? Here we reveal five reasons why you should choose the University of Surrey for your physics degree.

Physics students have access to advanced facilities.
1. Fantastic placement opportunities
Surrey won Best University Careers/Employability Service in the UK in 2022. If you study for a BSc you can take advantage of our renowned Professional Training placement programme and get a year’s valuable work experience with a company like:
- Merck
- Airbus Defence and Space
- Tesla Engineering
- BAE Systems.
Meanwhile all our MPhys students go on a unique Research Year with a renowned research institution in the UK or further afield, and get the chance to contribute to innovative global research as part of their degree programme. Read about MPhys student Vadim Rusakov’s research year experience in Spain.
2. Award-winning maths support
Maths skills are crucial to studying physics at degree level, and at Surrey we help to bridge the gap between school and University. Before you even arrive at the University you’ll be given learning resources and a diagnostic quiz that will help you identify any topic areas you need to work on. Then as a first year student you’ll be invited to attend maths ‘bootcamps’ alongside your modules, where you’ll apply mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems.
Our maths support programme also supports Foundation Year students and recently won a prestigious award.
3. Our teaching is inspired by research
We are ranked top ten in the UK for overall student satisfaction* in physics by the National Student Survey 2023. From quantum biology to nuclear astrophysics, photonics to medical physics, you’ll learn from scientists who are leading the way in their fields. We’re home to outstanding academics such as theoretical physicist, Royal Society Fellow and well-known broadcaster Professor Jim Al-Khalili – who studied at Surrey as an undergraduate himself. Hear Professor Al-Khalili’s thoughts on the Surrey experience.
You can also broaden your horizons by choosing our exciting new 'STEM Education and Public Engagement' which gives you real-world experience of science communication - whether in schools or to the wider public.
*Measured by % positivity based on Q1-24, National Student Survey 2023
4. We’re partnered with NPL
We have a strategic partnership with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), the UK’s National Measurement Institute and a world leader in developing and applying the most accurate measurement standards in areas such as advanced manufacturing, aerospace, the digital world, energy and healthcare.
5. Study in state-of-the-art facilities

Our new radiation lab can accommodate 110 students.
As a physics student at Surrey you’ll get to work in our recently refurbished undergraduate teaching labs and do your final year project in one of our high-tech research centres. We have a wealth of state-of-the-art facilities including:
- A student observatory - read more in our Astrophysics Research Group section
- £2.7m radiation laboratory
- Ion Beam Centre
- Quantum Biology Centre.
Take a tour of our facilities with student Adam.
Find out more and discover our courses in physics.