Published: 24 November 2020

Five reasons to study for a masters in AI at Surrey

This masters course is unique. It represents a roadmap to our rapidly changing future, based on AI. It is taught at the pan-University Institute for People-Centred AI (PAI). PAI is ranked 3rd in the UK and 6th in Europe for AI (2023-24 AI Rankings) and is perfectly positioned to offer this career-changing MSc in AI. 



1. Uniquely broad content

Surrey’s MSc in AI is the only masters course in the UK to cover the three most important aspects of AI – vision, speech and 5G – and also encompass the business, regulation and ethics aspects of modern AI, giving you a strong technical knowhow and broad understanding of the field.

2. Backed by world-leading research in AI

The Institute for People-Centred AI (PAI) puts people at the heart of AI. PAI's pioneering research pushes the boundaries of AI innovation. It empowers future generations with AI expertise. It nurtures the next wave of leaders in this transformative technology.

The course also draws the deep knowledge within two internationally-renowned research centres at Surrey: 

  • With 38 years at the forefront of its field, Surrey's Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing (CVSSP) is a globally recognised leader in audio-visual machine perception research. It spearheads advancements in core AI technologies like computer vision, natural language processing, and signal analysis. CVSSP is ranked 1st in UK, 3rd in Europe and 13th globally for Computer Vision since records began - 1970 – 2024 (CS Rankings).
  • 5G Innovation Centre (the UK’s largest academic research centre for future communications which will support AI technologies) and newly launched 6th Generation Innovation Centre
3. Opportunity to customise your course

In addition to 11 modules (nine technically-focused, one covering business, and one law and ethics), you’ll undertake a year-long project on an AI topic that fascinates you, supervised by an academic who specialises in your chosen subject area.

4. Developed by academics with unrivalled experience

Among the academics who developed and are actively involved in our MSc are:

5. Exciting career opportunities

"Generative AI’s impact on productivity could add trillions of dollars in value to the global economy...This would increase the impact of all artificial intelligence by 15 to 40 percent. This estimate would roughly double if we include the impact of embedding generative AI into software that is currently used for other tasks." (McKinsey Global Institute 2023) Despite the world-changing nature of AI development, there’s a huge shortage of AI talent worldwide, both to lead industry and to drive future research. Our MSc can lead to roles such as:

  • AI scientist at a leading global technology company like Google or Facebook
  • AI analyst in finance/banking or other sectors requiring a systematic understanding of AI
  • Entrepreneurial role, eg business start-ups focused on AI
  • Industry-sponsored PhD studentship at the cutting edge of AI research

Discover our MSc in Artificial Intelligence, and our full range of courses in electrical and electronic engineering.

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