Published: 19 January 2024

FASS IAA Dragon's Den 2024 - Pitch your impact project on 19th February

Could you be one of this year's FASS IAA Dragon's Den winners? Pitch your impact project idea for a chance to receive up to £5000 of funding.
Following the success of last year’s event, the FASS IAA team are hosting another Dragon’s Den workshop on Monday 19th February 2024, for researchers to pitch their impact project ideas to our dragon panel, for a chance to receive up to £5,000 of funding.
This event runs for a whole day, in person, with a brief IAA information session in the morning which will cover the framework and criteria for this funding, led by Dr Tamsin Woodward-Smith (FASS IAA Manager), followed by an impact development workshop to help you develop your idea.
There will be an impact case studies showcase with the opportunity to ask questions and learn from those who have delivered successful impact projects in the past. Attendees will also have time to work on their pitches in small groups, drawing on the feedback and learnings they’ve received from the morning sessions to develop and polish their proposal. Participant pitches to the Dragons’ Den panel will take place after lunch, and a funding decision will be given at the end of the workshop. 
Projects can fit the criteria of impact exploration or impact generation and should include some element of collaboration with non-academic partners or research users. Colleagues from any School or Department in FASS doing work in the Arts and Humanities or Social Sciences are welcome to take part.  To find out more about the FASS IAA streams, visit the ESRC IAA webpages
If you’re interested, but have questions or would like to learn more, do get in touch! We are keen to hear from those colleagues with a project idea,  who would like to understand how to create more effective, impactful, and enjoyable projects.
Please send your expression of interest by completing the application form and sending it to the FASS IAA team at by 4pm, Friday 9th February 2024. 
Please note that we are limited to 10 pitches in total, and places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Pitches are not expected to be as detailed as a written application – we anticipate a lighter touch approach, with guidance being delivered in the morning workshop.

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