press release
Published: 05 March 2025

Expert comment: The benefits of spaying and neutering your pets

To coincide with Spay & Neuter Awareness month, Dr Alison Livesey, Lecturer in Small Animal Surgery at the University of Surrey, explains the benefits of spaying and neutering your pets.

There is currently a lot of research being conducted on the long-term effects of neutering. However, there are recognised health benefits. In a female dog or cat, neutering prevents against pyometra, a potentially life-threatening disease and unwanted pregnancy. In the bitch it also prevents phantom pregnancy which can cause distressing behavioural change. In a female cat neutering provides protection against mammary tumours, which in this species can be fatal.

In a male cat, neutering prevents the cat spraying urine indoors and can reduce the chance of them fighting and contracting viruses. In male dogs, although neutering does not protect against prostatic cancer, it can prevent against benign prostatic enlargement, testicular tumours perineal hernia and anal tumours.

Your veterinary nurse and veterinary surgeon can help you decide the best options for your pet.

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