Published: 13 December 2017

DWRC Christmas Film night

An alternative Christmas party

Some of us met for an early Christmas celebration on 7th December at Tijs' Guildford flat. We has drinks and snacks, listening to music different people selected from YouTube, while ordering pizza. After eating we watched the film 'In pursuit of silence' about the importance of silence and sound in everyday life, and chatted about it afterwards. A surprise realisation was the international diversity of the people in the room, reflected by the music they chose before the film. Only three out of nine people were native English speakers and one was from Canada. This also reflects the wider group at DWRC (not all of whom could make it). We are truly international as well as interdisciplinary, which is surely a good thing in these day of Brexit and international tension. The evening was inspiring as well as fun, and we aim to to make it a regular event throughout next year.

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