Published: 21 October 2020

Dr Caroline Shenton-Taylor takes over Instagram

Would you travel to Mars? Find out when one of the Department of Physics’ most familiar faces, Dr Caroline Shenton-Taylor, takes over the University’s Instagram Stories on Friday 23 October.

Caroline is not only an accomplished academic who lectures in applied nuclear physics, but she’s also a physics admissions tutor and a passionate science communicator.

Science outreach

She’s taken part in outreach projects such as Pint of Science, where researchers venture into pubs to talk about their work in front of non-academic audiences, and Bright Club, where tutors swap lecture notes and a student audience for stand-up science gags at a live comedy gig.

She’s also featured on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Surrey, and at the Manchester Science Festival. Most recently, Caroline has also launched a series of twice-a-week vlogs on her YouTube channel, where she talks about her life as a lecturer, as well as offering advice to students on topics such as report word counts, exam preparation and potential academic career paths.

Instagram takeover

An Instagram takeover, however, is something new.

“The opportunity for a Surrey physics Instagram takeover was not to be missed,” says Caroline. “Would you travel to Mars, how do you select a university course and why do lecturers wear gowns?

“These are just some of the posts coming up. Plus, we’ll also include ‘Ask a lecturer’, admissions hints and consider how many dimensions there are. It should be a fun Friday!”

Follow Caroline’s Instagram takeover on Friday 23 October. You can also follow Caroline on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

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