Digital storytelling in care homes
Professor David Frohlich, Director of the Digital World Research Centre at the University of Surrey presented a paper from the Time Matters project, at the Human-Computer Interaction International Conference on 19 July.

The paper entitled ‘Mobile digital storytelling in a Brazilian care home’, focuses on the role of technology and dementia and how digital storytelling can provide a richer channel of interaction between residents and carers. Fifteen digital stories were created as part of a trial in a care home in Sao Carlos, Brazil, showing a range of values for the technology.
The conference took place in Las Vegas, bringing together around 1700 individuals from 74 countries to hear from researchers in the field of human-computer interaction. David said "Our paper was part of a conference track entitled ‘Human Aspects of IT and the Aged Population’, in which other work on digital storytelling and gerontechnology was presented."
The Time Matters project which fits within the wider ‘UK-Brazil Sprint Network on Assistive Media for Health and Wellbeing in Ageing’ extends current research using multimedia content in reminiscing activities for both dementia patients and their carers. The project is a collaborative research activity between the University of Surrey and the Federal University of São Carlos.