Published: 12 July 2022

Department of Sociology achieves 2nd in UK for student satisfaction

Following the release of the National Student Survey (NSS) 2022 results last week, staff in the Department of Sociology at Surrey were delighted to learn that the department achieved an overall satisfaction score of 94.6%, placing it 2nd in the UK for the discipline.

Surrey Sociology NSS 94.6%

The survey was completed by final year undergraduate students in the spring, and the department’s 94.6% satisfaction score includes its four undergraduate programmes: BSc CriminologyBSc Criminology and SociologyBSc Media and Communication, and BSc Sociology. In addition to the high overall satisfaction score, students rated the department strongly for a range of specific aspects of their experience, including teaching (90.2%), leaning opportunities (85.6%), academic support (86.0), organisation and management (89.4%) and learning resources (89.3%).

Each of the Department’s individual degree programmes achieved impressive satisfaction scores, with an exceptional 100% satisfaction achieved by both BSc Criminology and Sociology and BSc Media and Communication, and very strong scores of 91.2% and 89.5% for BSc Criminology and BSc Sociology.

Dr Venetia Evergeti, Director of Learning and Teaching for the department, gave her reaction to the news:

“We are absolutely delighted with these results! A lot of hard work has gone in every area of teaching and learning, including pastoral and academic support for all our students and we are extremely grateful for our students’ appreciation and recognition of this! These results demonstrate our commitment to further improvements where needed, and we will continue to look at the ways in which we can enhance our students’ overall experience.”

Professor Andrew King, Head of the Department, said:

“I am absolutely delighted with this set of results. It is testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in teaching and supporting our students in the Department and wider university. We always strive for excellence and it is great to see this recognised.”

The strong result for Sociology forms part of an excellent showing for the University of Surrey as a whole, which is now placed 9th overall in the UK for student satisfaction.

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