Department of Mathematics wins Bronze Athena SWAN Award
The Athena SWAN Charter, a global initiative which aims to support and transform gender equality within higher education and research, has awarded Surrey’s Department of Mathematics a Bronze Award.

The award is a testament to Surrey's "commitment to equality" says Professor Gianne Derks
Since its launch in 2005, Athena has extended its reach to address gender equality as broadly as possible, which means it’s not just focusing on barriers to progression affecting women.
The Department joins the School of Law, School of Literature and Languages, School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences and Surrey Business School in gaining Bronze awards in 2020.
Professor Gianne Derks, the newly appointed Head of Department, says: “We’re delighted the Department of Mathematics has been recognised in this way. We’re keen to start implementing and further developing our action plan and thus playing a part in helping the University move towards greater equality, diversity and inclusion.
“Our team, led by Dr John Rayman, worked incredibly hard on this application and the award is a testament to their hard work and commitment to equality.”
Find out more about studying in our Department of Mathematics.