Published: 02 February 2022

Cooperation between UK and European Police, Judicial, Port and Border Authorities in the Post-Brexit Age

Centre of Britain and Europe directors news.

Professor Amelia Hadfield, Dean International, Head of Department of Politics at Surrey, Co-Director of the Centre for Britain and Europe (CBE), Professor Karen Bullock (Department of Sociology at Surrey), Professor Stephen Tong (School of Law, Social & Behavioural Sciences at Kingston University), Ellis Mallett, Doctoral Student  (Department of Politics at Surrey) Paige Keningale, Doctoral Student (Department of Sociology at Surrey), Fennel Wellings, Research Assistant (at Canterbury Christ Church University) have delivered a report on the methods and approaches of international policing between the United Kingdom and its European partners: “Cooperation between UK and European Police, Judicial, Port and Border Authorities in the Post-Brexit Age (PDF)” 

Our aim

By drawing together an interdisciplinary team of researchers from politics, criminology, and policing studies based in different institutions we aimed to explore the fullest possible range of post-Brexit changes on British and European law enforcement and police collaboration.

Our approach

This report draws on research from interviews with stakeholders working in the field of law enforcement. This research has mapped and tracked how legislation, policies and agreements between the UK and EU have been, and will continue to be, formulated in the post-Brexit landscape. The research considered the ways that the EU-Exit has altered the organisation, structures, and processes of UK-EU transnational law enforcement; how law enforcement personnel understand the changes brought about by the EU-Exit; and how law enforcement agencies work together in the post-Brexit environment.

Key finding

While participants agreed that the UK’s exit from the EU has led to an inevitable fracturing of traditional security structures and information sharing processes, they also drew attention to how the impact of Brexit was less impactful than they might have anticipated in the run-up to 31 December 2020. This was due to a variety of factors, including the mitigating impact of aspects of aspects of the TCA and contingency planning that the UK government had conducted before the country exited the EU.

Download the report (PDF)

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