Published: 28 March 2025

CBE Explores Surrey's NEET Crisis

CBE's groundbreaking work on Surrey's Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) was unveiled at the inauguration of the new High Sheriff of Surrey, Peter Cluff, on 28th March 2025.

We were thrilled on the 28th of March to attend the Inauguration of Peter Cluff, the new High Sheriff of Surrey for the Year 2025 - 2026. As an institution that has existed for over 1'000 years it was an honour to work for Peter these past 6 months to create a foundational piece of work on 'Unseen Surrey - An exploratory Overview of the NEET Crisis'.

Peter’s focus as High Sheriff will be to spotlight young people who are not in education, employment, or training (“NEET”). After this report, we aim to work alongside the High Sheriff to develop targeted and earlier interventions to help ensure these young people have a better economic and social future in Surrey.

This is impactful, local work that we at the Centre for Britain and Europe are thrilled to support and look forward to gathering many more people in this effort. To get in touch, please email to learn more about the work we are doing on NEETs and in Surrey.

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