press release
Published: 17 July 2024

Boost in infant genetics research could change lives, say researchers

Investment in research into genetics could dramatically improve educational policies and understanding of parenting in ways that could help all children, according to a new paper led by the University of Surrey.  

In a paper published in Nature Genetics, researchers describe a range of evidence demonstrating that genetics play a role in influencing infant development. While a lot of focus is already directed towards rare genetic disorders, the researchers argue that differences in the DNA that are commonly found in children and constitute the individual's genetic make-up also have the potential to help support the development of early interventions and to aid better understanding of the infancy life stage in all children. 

The researchers demonstrate that, compared to later life stages, infancy is largely under-researched despite the considerable benefits that genetic research can offer. While it has long been recognised that environment plays a pivotal role in infant development, the research team analysed published twin and molecular genetic studies. They found evidence supporting the idea that genes are important for shaping children's development in the first three years after birth. However, more research is still needed to understand how DNA is linked to individual differences in development. 

The researchers hope to encourage funders, policy-makers and their scientific peers to invest in research that focuses on the infancy life stage. The impact on the population, they argue, is huge because an infant has their whole life ahead of them. 

Our findings provide strong evidence from twin studies, adoption research, polygenic scores, and the examination of infant attributes that genetics significantly influence early development.

Polygenic scores, which sum up the effects of many genetic variants, show how genetic influences impact key milestones like walking and talking. This type of knowledge can significantly benefit children's lives.

With this understanding, we hope to develop better early education programmes and early interventions, helping parents and professionals support children's development more effectively.
Dr Anna Gui, co-author of the paper and a Lecturer at the University of Essex

Note to editors 

  • Professor Angelica Ronald and Dr Anna Gui are available for interview upon request.  

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