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September 2023 - February 2024 programme
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Big Quantum Bio Meetings
This seminar series is jointly organised by our Leverhulme Quantum Biology Doctoral College Training Centre (QB-DTC) and the Quantum Biology Tech (QuBiT) Lab at UCLA.
Seminars will be held via Zoom every Thursday from 3pm - 4pm UK time (7am PST / 10am EST / 11am BRT / 4pm SAST, CEST / 11pm JST).
For further information contact: Dr Youngchan Kim, youngchan.kim@surrey.ac.uk.
2023 dates | Talks |
10 August | Building an equitable physics community Katherine Wright (American Physical Society) |
14 September | Unravelling the key nuclear motions in photosynthetic exciton dynamics by coherent vibrational spectroscopy Junwoo Kim, Chungbuk National University |
21 September | Identifying productive protein thermal motions associated with hydrogen tunneling in the lipoxygenase reaction and their divergence across the enzyme family Adam Offenbacher, East Carolina University |
28 September | Schrodinger, Turing, and Hodgkin-Huxley: How mathematical analogies can inspire biological insights Adam Cohen, Harvard University |
5 October | From quantum states of biomolecules to quantum tools for nanobiological matter Markus Arndt, University of Vienna |
19 October | Nanomateris for optical super-resolution imaging applications Xiaomin Liu, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
26 October | Diamond quantum sensing microscopy of Fe-triazole spin crossover molecules and Fe-containing biomolecules Abdelghani Laraoui, Univ. of Nebraska–Lincoln |
2 November | Ionotronics: Exploring the path from biological to solid-state nanopores and back Aleksandra Radenovic, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) |
9 November | Site-specific terahertz spectroscopy of proteins Maksim Grechko, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research |
16 November | Quenching and quenchers in photosynthesis Roberta Croce, Vrije University Amsterdam |
30 November | Intense pulsed electric field effects on proteins and cytoskeleton Michal Cifra, Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences |
7 December | TBC Jessica Wade, Imperial College London |
14 December | Electron tunnelling in ferritin and associated biosystems Ismael Díez-Pérez and Chris Rourk, King’s College London and citizen scientist |
2024 dates | Talks |
4 January | Biological separation of rare Earth elements for energy technologies Buz Barstow, Cornell University |
11 January | The modelling of the mechanisms through which proteins sense and respond to light Benedetta Mennucci, University of Pisa |
18 January | From chrono- to quantum biology: about cellular clocks, hypoxia and spins Margit Egg, University of Innsbruck |
25 January | TBC Ashok Ajoy, University of California, Berkeley |
1 February | Revealing mechanism of DNA loop extrusion by structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) motor proteins Eugene Kim, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics |
8 February | Studies of local conformations, conformational disorder and dynamics of excitonically-coupled (iCy3)2 dimer-labeled DNA constructs at and near functional binding sites for proteins that drive genome expression Andy Marcus, University of Oregon |
15 February | TBC Libai Hwang, Purdue University |
22 February | Deciphering the vibrational structure of biomolecules in photosynthetic systems toward quantum bio-inspired photosynthesis Keisuke Goda, University of Tokyo |
29 February | Electron tunneling in photosynthesis: How the electron chooses its way Marilyn Gunner, City University of New York |