Take part in our research

Current projects

Developmental Neuroscience - How do preschool children understand that ‘2’ means ‘two things’ and not ‘three things’?

We are looking for children aged 3-6 years to participate in our study, where we test both behavioural and brain responses to numbers to find how children understand numerical symbols such as seeing ‘2’ or hearing ‘two’. If you enquire about more information, please visit the research projects page, or contact Mojtaba Soltanlou (m.soltanlou@surrey.ac.uk).


Learning Difficulties - Do children with reading difficulties (dyslexia) have math difficulties as well?

We are looking for primary school children to participate in our study, where we test both behavioural and brain responses during solving math problems to understand whether they show math difficulties together with reading difficulties, and whether their math difficulty is a cooccurrence or a secondary deficit due to their reading and language difficulties. If you enquire about more information, please visit the research projects page, or contact Mojtaba Soltanlou (m.soltanlou@surrey.ac.uk).


Cross-Cultural Neuroscience - How does culture shape numerical and mathematical knowledge?

While we are born with prewired brains, the environment such as language, parenting, socioeconomic status and several other factors contribute to our cognitive development such as our numerical knowledge. We are comparing the numerical understanding of preschool children in the UK and South Africa to better understand the role of those environmental and cultural factors. If you enquire about more information, please visit the research projects page, or contact Mojtaba Soltanlou (m.soltanlou@surrey.ac.uk).