Teaching and learning resources for teachers and students
Resources for teachers, students, and anyone interested in learning and teaching.
Case studies
Case studies of approaches to assessment and feedback from across the University:
- Audio feedback (PDF)
- Consolidating feedback (PDF)
- Developing a student-focused feedback culture (PDF)
- Developing ongoing feedback conversations (PDF)
- Exam feedback (PDF)
- In-class formative feedback (PDF)
- Interactive cover sheets (PDF)
- Pre- and post-task guidance as feedback (PDF)
Focus guides
- Assessment criteria (PDF)
- Designing alternative assessments (PDF)
- Developing students' evaluate judgement (PDF)
- Feedback for learning principles (PDF)
- Learning focused feedback (PDF)
- Learning outcomes (PDF)
- Lectures (PDF)
- Marking consistency (PDF)
- Students' self-evaluation prior to submission (PDF)
- Students' understanding of assessment tasks (PDF)
- Supporting connections with student in online learning (PDF)
- Take home exams (PDF)
- Writing inclusive assessment briefs (PDF)
Digital learning presentations
- Rhona Sharpe gave the keynote at the LTI Scholarship Centre (LATIS) celebratory event ‘Does TEL still need learner experience research’ at the Open University in Milton Keynes, April 2019
- Rhona Sharpe and Lauren Regan spoke about Surrey’s ‘opt-how’ Captured Content policy at the Use of Video in HE day at Oxford University, April 2019
- Colin Loughlin presented the paper: The impact of lecture recordings on HE student approaches to learning at the European Conference on eLearning (ECEL2018) in Athens. November 2018
- Darren Gash and Julia Brennan presented on co-designing the TEL hub support guidance pages with staff at the Academic Practice and Technology Conference at The University of Greenwich, July 2018
- Darren Gash and Marius Jugariu presented DTEL's approach to VLE change management at the "D2L London Connection" at Canada House - London, May 2018
- Rhona Sharpe gave the keynote at the learning and teaching conference at Queens University Belfast, “Digital literacy: from a definition to a graduate attribute to a measure of learning gain”, March 2018
- Rhona Sharpe and Simon Lygo-Baker presented findings from the ABC Learning Gains project at the “Using data to increase learning gains and teaching excellence” event at the Open University, January 2018.
- Colin Loughlin presented the paper: Digitally Mediated Note-taking Practices of Students in Higher Education at SRHE Annual Research Conference, Celtic Manor, New Port. December 2017
- Colin Loughlin presented the paper: Staff Perceptions of Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education at the European Conference on eLearning (ECEL2017) in Porto. November 2017
- Colin Loughlin presented the paper: Open Badges: Acknowledging Soft Skills Acquisition at the European Conference on eLearning (ECEL2016) in Prague. October 2016.