Key dates for visiting students

Dates by academic year

UK public holidays and University closure dates are available on our University key dates page.

Note: Our nursing programmes have different semester dates to these.

2023/24 academic year

Semester 2

Arrival31 January 2024
Exchange orientation (compulsory)1-2 February 2024
Teaching5 February - 10 May 2024
Spring vacation23 March - 14 April 2024
Revision week13-17 May 2024
Third year undergraduate exams17 May - 1 June 2024
All other exams25 May - 7 June 2024 (including Saturdays)
Departure 8-10 June 2024
Third year undergraduate results and transcripts1 July 2024
All other results and transcripts11 July 2024
Reassessments12-23 August 2024
Reassessment results and transcripts12 September 2024

2024/25 academic year

Semester 1

Arrival and moving in11 September 2024
Exchange orientation (compulsory)12-13 September 2024
Welcome week16-20 September 2024
Teaching23 September 2024 - 3 January 2025
Winter vacation7-29 December 2024
Revision week30 December 2024 - 3 January 2025 (classes for some)
Exams6-24 January 2025 (including Saturdays)
Departure 25-27 January 2025
Vacation week for full-year students27-31 January 2025
Results and transcriptsaround 27 February 2025

Semester 2

Arrival and moving in29 January 2025
Exchange orientation (compulsory)30-31 January 2025
Teaching3 February - 9 May 2025
Spring vacation12 April - 4 May 2025 (some field trips)
Revision week12-16 May 2025
Exams19 May - 6 June 2025 (including Saturdays)
Departure 7-9 June 2025
Third year undergraduate results and transcriptsaround 3 July 2025
All other results and transcriptsaround 10 July 2025
Reassessmentsaround 18-29 August 2025
Reassessment results and transcriptsaround 18 September 2025