Guildford Residents' Survey Participant Information Sheet
The Guildford Residents' Survey is available online until 5pm on Sunday 26 June 2022.
What is the purpose of the survey?
The University of Surrey is asking Guildford residents to complete a short survey to help us understand how you view the university on your doorstep. Your feedback will help the University to strengthen its links within the community and identify the steps we could be taking to share more about our organisation with you.
Why have I been invited to take part in the study?
As a member of the local community in Guildford, we are extremely keen to hear your views on the University of Surrey.
Are there any terms and conditions on taking part in this survey?
Yes. (1) Employees of The University of Surrey and Surrey Sports Park and anyone connected to the Prize Draw are not able to participate in this survey; (2) Only one survey response is allowed per individual; (3) All survey respondents must be aged 16 or over. Full terms and conditions for the Prize Draw can be found here.
Do I have to take part in the survey?
No, you do not have to participate. You can withdraw from completing the survey at any time without giving a reason, however once your answers have been submitted they will become part of the survey findings.
What will my involvement require?
To answer an online survey which will usually last no more than 20 minutes.
What are the possible disadvantages or risks of taking part?
None. The survey asks about your opinions of the University only. You will not be asked about any sensitive or upsetting topics.
If I give you my email address, will you contact me again?
Depending on your explicit responses in the survey, we will only use your email address to:
- Notify you that you are a winner in the optional Prize Draw
- Prove that you are eligible to be a winner and claim your prize
- Contact you in relation to issues outlined in your response should you indicate you would like to be contacted by a member of the University’s Public Engagement team.
This is completely optional.
Please see our Guildford Residents’ Survey Respondent privacy notice for further information.
If I give you my address, will you contact me again?
We will only contact you using your provided address if you win one of the three £100 cash prizes (you can provide your postal address when completing a hard copy of the survey if you want to enter the Prize Draw). If you win, we will use your age and address to ensure that you meet the Prize Draw eligibility criteria.
Please see our Guildford Residents’ Survey Respondent privacy notice for further information.
Will you share my personal information with any third parties?
No. The information that you provide to us will not be shared outside the University’s Market Insight team and Public Engagement team, who administer the survey and the Prize Draw. It will not be shared with any third parties.
Can I obtain a copy of the survey in a different format?
Yes. If you require the survey and accompanying documents in an alternative format, please contact our Public Engagement team via If completing a hard copy of the survey (available on request), they must be posted back before 5pm Sunday 26 June 2022 to Public Engagement, Fifth Floor, Duke of Kent Building, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH. If you would like to enter the Prize Draw, please make this known on the envelope by writing PRIZE DRAW.
Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
Yes. All of the information you give will be anonymised so that those reading reports generated from the data collected will not know who has contributed to it. Personal data will be handled in accordance with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 1998. Private information relating to your email address is kept separate from the data collected and will be destroyed after the free Prize Draw has taken place.
What if there is a problem?
Any complaint or concern about any aspect of the way you have been dealt with during the course of the study will be addressed; please email our Public Engagement team via
The Prize Draw
Respondents will have the option to opt-in to be entered into a free Prize Draw to win one of three £100 cash prizes. You do not have to enter and should you wish to take part in the survey but not be considered for the Prize Draw, please do not complete the Prize Draw section of the survey. Full terms and conditions for the Prize Draw can be found here.