Year 5 IMR Student Fitness to Practise declaration

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Personal details


I declare that within the last academic year, since the date of the last annual declaration I have not had, nor have pending treatment for an addiction to drugs or alcohol.

I declare that I am aware of my obligation to report any pending or confirmed relevant criminal convictions.

I declare that I have read and understood the current version of:

  1. The RCVS Fitness to Practise guide for students
  2. The University of Surrey Fitness to Practise student regulations

I agree to abide by and be compliant with the current University of Surrey’s Covid-19 related regulations, restrictions and protocols. 

Good health declaration 

Students on professional preparation programmes at Surrey must adhere to the standards and codes of conduct of the professional regulatory body associated with the programme.

The RCVS stress the importance of good health and character and highlight the responsibility of students to report any issues/concerns regarding their fitness to practise.

You will have undertaken an occupational health assessment at the start of your programme to confirm your fitness to practise, in addition we ask all students to complete the following annual declaration:

  1. I hereby confirm that within the last academic year (or since the last occupational health assessment attended) there has been no change to my health that could affect my fitness to practise.
  2. I hereby confirm that any changes to my health and/or fitness to practise that occur during this year will be reported to the relevant Senior Tutor, Dr Karen Moore (years 4 and 5).

For any queries or concerns relating to the above, please don’t hesitate to contact the relevant Senior Tutor for a confidential discussion.

Please note that any changes to your mental and physical health or if you have been medically classified as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable, must be highlighted to Cordell Health.  You may contact them directly on 0118 207 6190.

The RCVS note that it is important for veterinary students to discuss any disabilities or health conditions with their veterinary school so that any appropriate support mechanisms can be put in place.

Intramural Rotations declaration

By submitting this declaration, students are also agreeing to the terms outlined below which are specific to Year 5 of their BVMSci programme:

  1. Students are expected to familiarise themselves with and be complicit in adhering to all operational policies and local regulations at the Clinical Instruction Provider, the host practice (CIP) during their Intramural Rotations. Students will be inducted to each provider by the Clinical Instruction Mentor (CIM) and/or the Practice Administrator to facilitate this.
  2. Students will strictly adhere to the confidentiality and data protection policies of both the University and the placement provider, particularly in relation to client and patient data and any commercially sensitive information that pertains to the placement provider. 
  3. Students will abide by University policy and the RCVS Fitness to Practice guide for veterinary students in relation to use of social media, and are reminded that misuse or inappropriate engagement with social media may jeopardise their position at university and subsequent ability to join the RCVS Register.
  4. Students are expected to engage fully with their Intramural Rotations, including any module activity and assessment requirements, as per the Student Charter and expectations of their programme.
  5. Students should note that the School of Veterinary Medicine reserve the right to;
    1. Remove a student from their placement on the grounds of concerns regarding fitness to practice
    2. With due consideration, change the placement location during the year if required where a clinical instruction provider is no longer able to host University of Surrey students
  6. Students agree to appropriate personal information (name, university email address, emergency contact details, relevant Disability and Neurodiversity information and data relating to formative performance assessment) to be shared with Clinical Instruction Providers at the discretion of the Student Services Team or the Director of Clinical Training and only when required to meet our contractual obligations with the CIPs.

If you are unable to confirm any of the above or require additional guidance please contact or 01483 689889 to discuss confidentially.

Declarations agreement


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Please read the University's student privacy notice.