New student declaration of fitness to practise

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Personal details
Declaration details

All students accepted for entry onto the Veterinary Medicine and Science programme are required to submit the following declaration, in accordance with our fitness to practise guidelines. An occupational health check is also required, and you will have received information about this in your welcome letter.

By submitting this form, I declare that:

  1. I have never had an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
  2. I am aware of my ongoing obligation to report any pending or confirmed relevant criminal convictions.
  3. I have read and understood the RCVS Fitness to Practise guide for students and I agree to abide by it.
  4. I have read and understood the University of Surrey Fitness to Practise student regulations and I agree to abide by it.

If you are unable to confirm any of the above or require additional guidance please contact Sian Rosser ( or Neerja Muncaster ( to discuss confidentially. You may also wish to seek advice from the Students’ Union, a trade union representative or the RCVS.

The RCVS note that it is important for veterinary students to discuss any relevant disabilities or health conditions in advance of attending their veterinary school, so that any appropriate support mechanisms can be put in place to ensure students are able to fully participate in their degree programme and become a practising veterinary professional in the UK.

For further information about Occupational Health referrals and what this entails, please view our occupational health video.

Students will be asked to complete a Fitness to Practice declaration on an annual basis and should inform the school immediately should their position with regards to the above change.

If you are unsure about any of the above requirements, it is your responsibility to seek clarification.

I declare that I have understood the information above and that a false declaration or failure to disclose the correct information may result in the termination of my programme.
I have read and understood the University's student privacy notice.