Sono-Bio for solids: treatment of contaminated solids and soils using a new sono-bio technology

An interdisciplinary PhD combining microbial sciences, chemical engineering and analytical chemistry toward eliminating persistent organic pollutants.

Start date

1 October 2025


3.5 years

Application deadline

Funding source


Funding information

Matched to UKRI standard stipend, £20,780 for 2025/26 academic year. 


Our vision is to demonstrate a novel hybrid technology combining high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS) and microorganisms for the treatment of persistent organic pollutants. A new synergy is proposed from simultaneous microbial (bio) and HFUS action (sono), created through complementary degradation methods and enhanced microbial metabolism in HFUS fields. Microbial degradation tends to be efficient for a subset of PFAS, known as poly-FAS and result in production of per-FAS. Sonolysis, via HFUS (100-1000 kHz), is one of few technologies able to fully mineralise PFAS1. However, sonolysis is most effective for per-FAS rather than poly-FAS.

The proposed PhD program will extend current research in ground and surface water (within the Sono-Bio project) to application to sorbent regeneration and soil remediation (this PhD). Simultaneous and successive sono-bio treatment of sorbed PFAS and PFAS-contaminated soils will be researched.

The sono-bio process will initially research per-and poly-fluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS).  PFAS don’t fully degrade naturally so they persist in the environment and can be toxic to animals and humans2. Biological mobilisation of PFAS from soils is established3, however mineralisation i.e. breakdown PFAS to fluoride ions, carbon dioxide and water has not been realised. We propose that the combination of two sustainable technologies can present a solution for i) a holistic approach to PFAS remediation from soils and ii) an alternative for sorbent regeneration to replace high temperature and/or harsh solvents.


Eligibility criteria

Open to any UK or international candidates. Up to 30% of our UKRI funded studentships can be awarded to candidates paying international rate fees.

We are seeking candidates with:

  • Relevant subject matter experience* (e.g. microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, bioremediation metabolomics, chemical engineering, ultrasonics, analytical/environmental chemistry, sonochemistry)
  • Willingness to adapt and work in different disciplines
  • Ability to work independently and cooperatively
  • Commitment to inclusivity, responsible research and innovation
  • Ability to follow and implement safety protocols as required.

*Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the project, we anticipate that applicants may only have experience in a small area relevant to the project. 


How to apply

Applications should be submitted via the Chemical and Process Engineering Research PhD programme page. In place of a research proposal you should upload a document stating the title of the project that you wish to apply for and the name of the relevant supervisor. Please include one page (max) of why you are interested in this PhD program and how you fit with the person description.

Studentship FAQs

Read our studentship FAQs to find out more about applying and funding.

Application deadline

Contact details

Madeleine Bussemaker
22 BC 02
Telephone: +44 (0)1483 686598
Claudio Avignone Rossa
06 AX 01
Telephone: +44 (0)1483 686457

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