Student support services privacy notice
Our legal obligations
We take our obligations for data handling very seriously and it is therefore important for you to know the lawful basis for us processing your information:
We process data because you give us your consent and you are free to decide whether or not to provide this data, however, we may not be able to arrange support for you if you choose not to provide it.
We process data to meet our contractual duties to you, and provide you with our services where we have entered into a contract for services with you.
We process data in our legitimate interests. These legitimate interests are determined through an assessment made by weighing our requirements against the impact of the processing on you.
Our legitimate interests will never override your right to privacy and the freedoms that require the protection of your personal data. If you are interested in learning more about this legitimate interest assessment, please contact dataprotection@surrey.ac.uk.
We process data for reasons of substantial public interest. This is an assessment made by weighing our need to process your special category data against the impact of the processing on you.
We will always ensure that the processing respects the essence of the right to data protection.
We process data to ensure that we can carry out our public role as an educational and research establishment, meeting legal, moral and contractual obligations as laid out in the University’s Charter.
We process your personal and special category data for reasons of social protection law to enable us to trigger our response processes and support the NHS track and trace legislation, where we are aware that a student has tested positive for Covid-19.
We process data to meet our statutory and legal requirements, specifically to:
- Perform monitoring and gathering of information to meet equal opportunities obligations and declarations of “good character” for certain courses, where that is applicable
- Monitor and evaluate widening participation access, success and progression initiatives.
What information we collect and why we collect it
The University collects only the data we need and we keep the data up to date and only for as long as it is needed.
Due to the wide range of support services that we offer, we hold and process personal data about prospective, current and former students, current and former staff as well as third parties (where you provide us with information from them).
Please note that this is not an exclusive nor exhaustive list but provides a comprehensive overview.
For all types of processing we collect the following data:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Gender
- University ID/URN
- Contact details e.g. email, postal, phone number, postcode.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support, including pastoral support and counselling services through Centre for Wellbeing | Legitimate interest |
Provide accurate documentation of the services provided by the Centre for Wellbeing professionals | Legitimate interest |
Document third party referrals and communication from the Centre for Wellbeing | Legitimate interest |
Provide documentation of risk assessments and treatment from the Centre for Wellbeing | Legitimate interest |
Document consent to share details from the Centre for Wellbeing | Legitimate interest |
Support you in your request for certain services such as support on medical grounds, extenuating circumstances | Consent |
Provide demographic information to analyse trends to improve service delivery from the Centre for Wellbeing | Public task/legitimate interest |
Assess areas of low progression to higher education and for evaluation and monitoring purposes (POLAR4) | Public task/legitimate interest |
Assess indices of multiple deprivation and for evaluation and monitoring purposes (IMD) | Public task/legitimate interest |
Administer financial support services such as assessing eligibility for bursaries, payments and scholarships through student money support | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Operate all student facing regulations including: academic appeals and extenuating circumstances through OSCAR | Legitimate interest |
Support through peer support | Legitimate interest |
Monitor student support needs | Legitimate interest |
Provide welfare, security and discipline support in halls of residence through the Residential Life team | Legitimate interest |
Provide disability support for your academic studies through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Consent |
Operate and keep a record of any additional learning support and of any extenuating circumstances you require | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Provide support and management of students enquiries through MySurrey Hive and MySurrey Voice platforms | Legitimate interest/consent |
Ensure you have access to all available support for your mental health and wellbeing including, assistance with preferential accommodation and application for parking permits | Legitimate interest |
Provide support through personal tutors | Statutory/legal requirements |
Ensure we are meeting our regulatory equality and safeguarding obligations | Statutory/legal requirements |
Enable us to comply with our track and trace obligations where you have visited our library or one of our catering facilities | Statutory/legal requirements |
Enable us to provide support for any aspect of your academic studies, to register you for modules and provide timetabling information through the Academic Hive | Legitimate interest |
Enable us to signpost students to the relevant support service and to alert the relevant support service to any needs of the student through the Academic and MySurrey Hives | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide pastoral support through our Student Success team casework and advocacy service and to provide access to event opportunities. | Legitimate interest |
We collect details about your education and course, including information about your progress and assessment reports, as well as any employment records.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Operate all student facing regulations including: academic appeals and extenuating circumstances through OSCAR | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability guidance, information and support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest |
Operate and keep a record of any additional learning support and of any extenuating circumstances you require | Consent |
Ensure we are meeting our obligations under equality legislation | Statutory/legal requirements |
Enable us to integrate previous academic achievement in third party institutions through Academic Hive | Legitimate interest |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Legitimate interest |
Transcripts of academic progress | Consent |
Provide pastoral support through our Student Success team casework and advocacy service and to provide access to event opportunities. | Legitimate interest |
For processing of family details we collect the following data:
- Next of kin
- Their contact details.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide support through the Centre for Wellbeing and Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Consent |
Operate all student-facing regulations including, academic appeals and extenuating circumstances | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Enable us to liaise with family members where you have provided a consent to share form with their details | Consent |
We collect details about disabilities and health conditions including, medical evidence and proof of disability.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability guidance, information and support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest/consent |
Operate and keep a record of any additional learning support and of any extenuating circumstances you require through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Consent |
Operate all student-facing regulations including; academic appeals and extenuating circumstances through OSCAR | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Ensure we are meeting our obligations under equality and legislation | Statutory/legal requirement |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Legitimate interest/consent |
We collect data about your ethnicity that is only used at a statistical level.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Substantial public interest/consent |
Provide pastoral support through our Student Success team casework and advocacy service and to provide appropriate access to event opportunities | Substantial public interest/consent |
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide faith, spirituality and belief support through the Chaplaincy Team | Consent |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Legitimate interest/consent |
We collect financial information including your bank account details.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Administer financial support services such as assessing eligibility for bursaries, payments and scholarships through the Student Money Support Team | Legitimate interest |
Operate all student-facing regulations including; academic appeals and extenuating circumstances | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process payments in MySurrey Hive | Legitimate interest |
Confirmation of financial circumstances for third parties | Consent |
Administer financial widening participation access to learning fund | Legitimate interest |
We collect documents relating to work during one-to-one support sessions.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest |
Provide support through CUBIC | Consent |
Operate and keep a record of any additional learning support and of any extenuating circumstances you require | Consent |
Administer financial support services such as assessing eligibility for bursaries, payments and scholarships through the Student Money Support Team | Legitimate interest |
Provide you with support through our peer support programme and Residential Life team visits | Legitimate interest |
Operate all student-facing regulations including; academic appeals and extenuating circumstances | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
We collect appointment dates, notes from meetings and appointments and follow up actions.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability guidance, information and support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest |
Operate and keep a record of any additional learning support and of any extenuating circumstances you require | Consent |
Administer financial support services such as assessing eligibility for bursaries, payments and scholarships through the Student Money Support Team | Legitimate interest |
Provide you support through peer support | Legitimate interest |
Operate all student-facing regulations including; academic appeals and extenuating circumstances | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Provide welfare, security and discipline support in halls of residence through the Residential Life team | Legitimate interest |
Ensure tier 4 students are able to meet the required Home Office points | Statutory obligation |
Booking rooms and bookings for student advisory appointments in MySurrey Hive and virtually | Consent |
Provide pastoral support through our Student Success team casework and advocacy service | Legitimate interest |
If you are under 18 years of age and have an online appointment with the Peer Support Service, we will record the meeting to enable us to ensure best practice is followed. | Legitimate interest |
We collect data from forms you have filled out including, questionnaires (e.g. CORE 34, PHQ9, GAD7) and registration forms.
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Consent |
Late registration forms | Legitimate interest |
Provide access to event opportunities for mature learners and BAME learners | Consent |
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide interventions to support under-represented or disadvantaged students with support to succeed within and progress beyond university and ensure that we are meeting regulatory requirements from the Office for Students | Legitimate interest/public interest |
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability guidance, information and support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest |
Operate and keep a record of any additional learning support and of any extenuating circumstances you require | Consent |
Administer financial support services such as assessing eligibility for bursaries, payments and scholarships through the Student Money Support Team | Legitimate interest |
Operate all student-facing regulations including; academic appeals and extenuating circumstances through OSCAR | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Provide welfare, security and discipline support in halls of residence through the Residential Life team. | Legitimate interest |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Peer support interactions with students | Legitimate interest |
Process general enquiries for tier 4 appointments and student support through the Academic Hive | Legitimate interest |
Signpost students to the relevant support service from the Academic Hive and to also alert the relevant support service to any needs of the student the student themselves or from internal colleagues | Legitimate interest |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide pastoral support through our Student Success team casework and advocacy service | Legitimate interest |
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
Provide opportunities for student wellbeing and support including, pastoral support and counselling services through the Centre for Wellbeing. | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide disability guidance, information and support through the Disability and Neurodiversity Team | Legitimate interest |
Administer financial support services such as assessing eligibility for bursaries, payments and scholarships through the Student Money Support Team | Legitimate interest |
Operate all student-facing regulations including; academic appeals and extenuating circumstances through OSCAR | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process assessment and academic administration | Legitimate interest/ substantial public interest/statutory/legal requirements |
Process general enquiries for tier 4 appointments and student support through the Academic Hive | Legitimate interest |
Complete third party correspondence for example to sponsors | Consent |
Provide support and management of student enquiries through MySurrey Hive | Legitimate interest/consent |
Provide pastoral support through our casework and advocacy service | Legitimate interest |
Purpose of processing | Basis for processing |
To enable the Peer Support Service and the Student Ambassadors team to carry out enhanced DBS checks on Peer Supporters and Student Ambassadors to ensure your safety and the safety of the supporters and ambassadors. | Legitimate interest |
We receive this data from you when you:
- Contact us directly by email/telephone
- Attend an appointment
- Complete the report and support form
- Submit information as part of one of the student facing regulations i.e. academic appeals and extenuating circumstances
- Complete online enrolment and/or a registration form for student support
- Apply for a late arrival point.
Depending on the service that you are accessing, we may collect information relating to you from:
- Academic Hive
- Academic Registry
- Academic staff (including personal tutors, supervisors, programme leaders, etc.)
- Accommodation Services
- Admissions team
- Centre for Wellbeing
- Chaplains
- Employability and Careers
- IT Services
- Library and Learning Centre (including records held by Disability and Neurodiversity);
- MySurrey Hive
- Office of Student Complaints, Appeals and Regulations (OSCAR) (for example to process student-facing regulations)
- Peer Support Service
- Records held by faculties and/or the Doctoral College
- Recruitment and Admissions
- Residential Life team
- Security Services
- Student Experience
- Student Finance team
- SurreyLearn
- The Vice Chancellor’s Office
- Widening Participation Research and Evaluation.
- Colleagues/peer supporters/family members/friends
- Courts and probation services
- Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA);
- Employers
- Family members where you have given consent to share
- Health professionals
- Internal University of Surrey faculties/schools and departments
- Landlord and referencing agencies
- Local authorities
- Medical practitioners
- Mental health services
- Needs assessors (for example, Access 1st and WNAC)
- Other third parties, where you provide us with information from them
- Police
- Previous education providers/institutions
- Professional registration bodies
- Publicly available social media, where appropriate
- Relevant organisations concerned with health or organisations providing placements
- Student loan companies, such as SFE
- Transport for London (TFL)
- Voluntary organisations and charities e.g. SHELTER.
There are a number of support contact points where we collect and process your personal data to enable us to provide services to you such as:
- Disability support through the Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Enquiry assistance and support through the Academic and MySurrey Hives
- Faith and belief support through the Chaplaincy team
- Financial services through the Student Money Support, Student Receivables and the Fees and Funding teams
- Health and wellbeing advice/promotion initiatives/events, guidance on the management of stress and work related pressures, counselling, advice and training on mental health issues and workshops for wellbeing through the Centre for Wellbeing
- International student advice to provide visa advice and guidance
- Mentoring through peer support
- Processing student-facing regulations through OSCAR
- Security and welfare support through Security Services
- Support for your progression and wellbeing through your personal tutor
- Welfare and discipline support in halls of residence through the Residential Life team
- Widening participation advisors to provide personalised support and advocacy for students from groups who are under-represented in higher education.
In-line with government Covid-19 secure guidelines we support NHS track and trace by asking all our students, and any members of their party, who use our Library or visit one of our catering facilities to provide their name, contact number and time of visit.
How long we keep your information
We keep your personal data for as long as it is required to perform its purpose or for as long as is required by law. These periods are defined in our retention schedules which are available by emailing the Information Compliance Unit.
In the event that you are referred to the Centre for Wellbeing from other support services, we will store your records on our CORE system for one year. If you then register with us, these records will then be kept in accordance with our retention schedules.
How we protect your data
We take the security of your data seriously. Details on university-wide measures surrounding IT security can be found in Our Data Policy Statement (PDF) (incorporating Information Security Policy) which sets out the definition of, commitment to and requirements of information technology and security. It specifies regulations to be implemented to secure information and technology that the University manages and to protect against the consequences of breaches of confidentiality, failures of integrity and interruption of availability.
We have internal policies and controls in place to try to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused or disclosed, and is not accessed except by our employees in the performance of their duties.
Where we engage third parties to process personal data on our behalf, they do so on the basis of written instructions contained within a contract, are under a duty of confidentiality and are obliged to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of data.
What we do with your information and who we share it with
The University processes personal data and special category data in accordance with data protection legislation and Our Data Policy Statement (PDF). We share your information with the following services:
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Satisfy Tier 4 study/student visa requirements, manage enquiries, fulfil requests from students and fulfil sponsor requirements | Legitimate interest, consent, public interest, substantial public interest for special category data |
Signpost students to the relevant support service and to also alert the relevant support service to any needs of the student themselves and to fulfil police requests, where appropriate. | Legitimate interest, consent, public interest, substantial public interest for special category data |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Assessments and Timetabling teams
- Department/school/faculty staff
- Global Engagement Office
- Health and Safety team
- Library and Learning Centre
- Main Hive
- Professional services
- Professional Training placements team
- Security Services
- Visa Compliance team
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department
- Any other named individual/department.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to support your wellbeing and academic progress, appropriately refer into services, to ensure your safety and the safety of others and enable seamless transition of care/support/coordination | Consent, substantial public interest, vital interests |
Enable us to meet our obligations under emergency legislation (such as track and trace) | Statutory and legal requirements |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Department/schools/faculty staff
- Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Health and Safety team
- Our Covid Support Working Group to enable us to trigger our internal processes, in the event that a student tests positive for the virus
- Our Wellbeing On Call team
- Professional services
- Security Services
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department
- Any other named individual/department.
- Educational institutions
- NHS providers
- Police
- Public Health or their successor
- Other named individual/service/team.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to provide disability support and implement reasonable adjustments | Consent |
Enable us to provide you with appropriate accommodation that meets your needs | Consent, Legitimate Interest (personal data) Substantial Public Interest (any special category data) |
Ensure we meet our funding obligations | Consent (where student data) and to meet our regulatory and legal requirements |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Accommodation Services
- Centre for Wellbeing
- Department/school/faculty staff
- Health and Safety team
- Professional services
- Security Services
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department
- Any other named individual/department.
- Academic staff from previous educational institutions
- Diagnostic assessors
- Disabled student allowances teams (NHS/Student Finance England/others as appropriate)
- External auditors
- Family members
- Medical professionals and social care staff, in the case of a disability
- Needs assessment centres.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to carry out a variety of functions including (but not limited to): | |
Variety of administrative letters such as confirmation of study and address | Consent and legitimate interest |
Signing off TFL applications and getting the student in touch with the correct Academic Hive to support the students’ enquiry. | Consent and legitimate interest |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Academic Hives
- Academic Skills and Development team
- Accommodation Services
- Admissions team
- Assessments team
- Careers and Employability team
- Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Estates and Facilities team
- Fees and Funding team
- Health and Safety team
- International Student Advice team
- IT Services
- Library and Learning Centre
- Registry
- Security Services
- Student Money Support team
- Student Receivables team
- Transport team
- University of Surrey Students Union
- Visa Compliance team
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department.
- Guildford Council
- TFL.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to progress student facing regulations | Legitimate interest |
Enable us to support your wellbeing and academic progress, appropriately refer into services, to ensure your safety and the safety of others. | Consent for sharing any medical/health statutory and legal requirements, legitimate interest |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Academic staff, including personal tutors, supervisors, programme leaders, etc.
- Accommodation Services
- Authors of documentation to check authenticity
- Chief Student Officers Directorate team
- Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Faculties and/or the Doctoral College
- IT Services
- Library and Learning Centre
- Recruitment and Admissions teams
- Security Services
- University of Surrey Student Union (where necessary)
- Vice Chancellor’s Office
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department.
- Authors of documentation to check authenticity
- Courts
- Legal representatives
- Members of professional bodies (where necessary)
- Police
- Probation services.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Support student wellbeing, where appropriate | Consent, legitimate interest, substantial public interest, vital interests |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Faculty student administration manager
- Residential Life and Peer Support Team
- Security Services
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to support your wellbeing | Consent, vital interests |
Appropriately refer into service, to ensure your safety and the safety of others | Consent, legitimate interests |
Enable us to investigate disciplinary related matters | Consent, substantial public interest, legitimate interest |
- Accommodation Services
- Chaplaincy
- Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Health and Safety team
- KIM Incident Reporting And Management System used by the Residential Life team as a case management system
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Secretariat
- Security Services
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to provide welfare support or to progress disciplinary or other complaints | Consent and vital interests |
Enable us to progress disciplinary or other complaints where misconduct was related to a person’s status (such as sexual orientation, race, disability, hate crimes etc.) | Substantial public interest and consent |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Accommodation Services
- Cleaning Services
- Faculty staff
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department.
- Borough Councils
- Job Centre Fraud Offices
- Police
- Regulatory authorities.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to administer financial support services | Consent |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable you to access support, to address any concerns and to resolve queries | Consent |
Enable us to ascertain appropriateness of events and to evaluate effectiveness of events and to ensure OfS regulatory outcome requirements are met | Legitimate interest/public interest/substantial public interest |
Enable us to administer the Widening Participation Access to Learning fund | Consent |
Enable us to administer the Care Leaver's bursary application and contact a student's social worker or personal advisor | Consent |
Enable us to support students who are refugee and asylum seekers | Consent |
Enable us to support students who are estranged from their families | Consent |
Enable us to support students who are vulnerable to ensure their safety and the safety of others | Consent/legitimate interest/public interest/substantial public interest |
Enable seamless transition of care/support/coordination | Consent/legitimate interest/public interest/substantial public interest |
Your URN with the Research and Evaluation team to enable the University to carry out business analysis. | Legitimate interest |
- Academic Skills and Development
- Associate Deans for Education
- Careers and Employability
- Centre for Wellbeing
- Chaplaincy
- Disability and Neurodiversity
- Doctoral College
- International team
- Money team
- MySurrey Hive and Academic Hive
- Peer mentoring
- Personal tutors
- Research and Evaluation team
- Security Services
- Senior personal tutors
- Students' Union
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- Widening Participation and Outreach.
- External organisations involved in supporting refugees and asylum seekers
- Local councils
- Police, if appropriate
- Social Services
- Surrey Sports Park.
Purpose for sharing | Basis for sharing |
Enable us to identify disadvantaged or underrepresented students who may be eligible for interventions to support their access, success and progression | Legitimate interest, public interest, substantial public interest for special category data |
Enable us to meet regulatory requirements set by the Office for Students (OfS) | Legitimate interest, public interest, substantial public interest for special category data |
Anonymised (i.e. non-identifying) data shared with:
- Disability and Neurodiversity team
- Employability and Careers team
- Library and Learning Centre
- Residential Life and Peer Support team
- School/faculty staff
- Student Money Support team
- Surrey Sports Park
- Wellbeing and Welfare Department.
Anonymised (i.e. non-identifying) data shared with:
- Higher Education Access Tracker.
What rights you have in relation to the way we process your data
As an individual whose data we process (a data subject), you have certain rights in relation to the processing. Find detailed information about your rights as a data subject.
You have the right to:
- Withdraw your consent in circumstances where we are processing your personal data on that basis.
- Ask us to confirm that your personal data is being processed and to access (i.e. have a copy) of that data as well as to be provided with supplemental information about the processing.
- Request that we rectify any inaccuracies where the data we hold on you is inaccurate or incomplete.
- Have your data erased by us, although in certain circumstances we may not be able to do this, for example, where we must comply with a legal obligation or in managing your health and social care. The circumstances where this applies can be found in the guide to data subject rights information.
- Restrict the processing of your personal data in certain ways.
- Obtain your personal data for reuse.
- Object to certain processing of your personal data.
If you would like to exercise any of your rights please visit our make a privacy request section.
Make a complaint
If you have any concerns about the way that we have handled your personal data please email the Data Protection team as we would like to have the opportunity to resolve your concerns.
If you’re still unhappy, you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (an independent body set up to advise on information rights for the UK) about the way in which we process your personal data.