Postgraduate courses
Our courses combine investigative and research skills, forms of written and oral communication, organisational skills and working both as individuals and as part of a team. We want to give you the critical skills needed for the modern workplace and to produce confident graduates who will be leaders of the future.
What our students say
Read our student profiles to discover first-hand what it's like to study with us.

Study abroad
You have the opportunity to acquire international experience as part of your studies, by taking advantage of exchange agreements with our partner universities.
Locations of our partner universities include Australia, China and the United States.
What we have to offer
You have the opportunity to take four weeks of work experience during the Easter vacation. This will provide you with first-hand experience of large-scale and real-life research in action. In the past, students have found placements in criminal justice agencies like the police, prisons and probation services, in national and local government bodies, research organisations and in media and business. In some cases, the placement may be with research projects being undertaken within a university context, including the Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey.
Where the full period is not practical, as may be the case if you’re a part-time student, it’s also possible to take the opportunity of a shorter period of two to four weeks, usually during the summer. Placements are not guaranteed, but our placement officer will work with you to identify possible placement opportunities.
You can attend a residential weekend conference alongside PhD students and teaching staff in November. This will provide you with a less formal atmosphere for discussions concerning criminology, research and related themes. It will include lectures from eminent guest speakers and members of staff, seminars and small group discussions.

Scholarships and bursaries
Discover how we may be able to support your studies with a host of bursaries and scholarships directly from the University of Surrey and external providers.
Open events