Collaborate with us
We are actively involved with companies on applied and collaborative research projects, joint PhD projects, and through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme and we are keen to develop and extend these links.
Become an industrial partner
We offer students what are called Industrial CASE studentships which are collaborative PhD projects. They are funded primarily by EPSRC, with additional support and involvement from an industrial partner.
These studentships provide an excellent opportunity for your business to gain early access to academic research as developments emerge and transfer knowledge over a sustained period, in a cost-effective way. They also enable us to strengthen and widen the applicability of our research.
Get in contact
Our previous successful experience means that we are keen to become involved in further CASE partnerships. If there are any areas of our research relevant to you that could be developed into a PhD project, then we would be interested to hear from you.
Director of Postgraduate (PhD) Studies
Dr André Grüning
Email: a.gruning@surrey.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1483 682648.
Get in contact
If you have a particular project that you believe could benefit from our research expertise, then we will be happy to discuss opportunities.
Director of Research
Professor Paul Krause
Email: p.krause@surrey.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1483 689861.
Collaborative research projects
Our undergraduate and masters students pursue a major project during their degree. These projects can be in any area of computing and IT, and a number of our students carry out an applied project of interest with an industrial partner. All members of academic staff in our Department supervise projects, so there is a wide range of expertise to draw on.
Undergraduate placement students will often take up projects which follow on from their Professional Training placement activity, where they worked in industry, which means the project will further benefit the company. Find out more about offering a Professional Training placement.
Get in contact
If you would like to discuss the opportunities for setting up student projects, please feel free to get in touch.
Undergraduate and MSc Projects Coordinator
Lilian Tang
Email: h.tang@surrey.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1483 686054.