Asset Management

Key information

Start date:
To be confirmed
Attendance dates:
To be confirmed
Stag Hill campus, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH
Contact details:


This two-day course is designed to develop an understanding of how firms manage their property assets and align this with their overall strategy to improve value. The course will also provide an overall appreciation of the need for creating and sustaining value over time, focusing especially on the role of hotel asset management.

In some industries, notably retail and hospitality, the process of the maintenance, improvement and management of property is an essential part of a firm’s activity in the value-adding process. This course provides an overview of the process, looking specifically at facilities that have a limited life-span, where physical aspects need to be regularly regenerated. This course is for key property related issues when managing existing hotel operations. Critically, the valuation and development of the asset to improve return.

Learning outcomes

  • Observe and evaluate the short and long-run consequences of decision-making, including the operational and financial implications of management strategies on property assets.
  • Develop a critical awareness of the complex relationship between theoretical models and practice in the valuation of assets.
  • Identify the features that contribute to the successful application of theoretical models of management within the property asset context.
  • Recognise and use key decision tools in hotel development and location.
  • Gain an understanding of the skills and processes of investment and valuation in this sector.
  • Apply an understanding of techniques to evaluate property performance both currently in the future.
  • Recognise the importance of user requirements in the development and regeneration of property in the hospitality, retail and leisure sector.
  • Understand the key aspects of a property management course in this sector.
  • Understand the requirements of a successful asset development in this sector.

Course content

  • Hotel markets and the corporate requirement
  • Hotel property valuation
  • Hotel investment
  • Hotel performance, evaluation and projection
  • Property user requirements
  • Strategies for hotel property management
  • Maintenance and facilities management
  • Renovation and expansion courses
  • Business continuity planning

Learning and teaching methods

The learning and teaching methods include guest speakers and case studies to demonstrate how the key principles apply in practice. Participants will be encouraged to discuss how the concepts apply to properties in their geographical location, in order to highlight differences in culture and perceptions.

Course leader

Sylvia Ganbert profile image

Sylvia Ganbert

Senior Teaching Fellow


  • Day one: 9:30am - 6:30pm followed by a drinks reception to actively encourage networking with other participants and speakers.
  • Day two: 9am - 5pm.

Entry requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course.


The course will be approached from the viewpoint of the manager or in some instances the asset manager, who needs to manage this complex activity with the aid of specialists both inside and outside the organisation.

Fees and funding

Price per person:


Please note, there is a 10% discount for group bookings.

What these fees include

This includes catering, parking, learning materials as well as a networking drinks reception at the end of day one.

How to apply

Bookings are not currently open for this course. Please register your interest by emailing

Terms and conditions

When you accept an offer of a place at the University of Surrey, you are agreeing to comply with our policies and regulations and our terms and conditions. You are also confirming you have read and understood the University's prospective student privacy notice.

Further details of our terms and conditions will follow.


This online prospectus has been prepared and published in advance of the commencement of the course. The University of Surrey has used its reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of publishing, but changes (for example to course content or additional costs) may occur given the interval between publishing and commencement of the course. It is therefore very important to check this website for any updates before you apply for a course with us. Read the full disclaimer.

Course location and contact details

Campus location

Stag Hill

This course is based at Stag Hill campus. Stag Hill is the University's main campus and where the majority of our courses are taught. 


University of Surrey
Surrey GU2 7XH