This page provides links to a range of additional resources to assist researchers using CAQDAS software to support qualitative data analysis processes. These pages were initially developed between 2008-2011 but were updated in 2019 to ensure their continued relevance.
Available resources
The resources available here were developed as part of the Training and capacity building (TCB) programme during the Qualitative Innovations in CAQDAS (QUIC) project (2008-2011). We updated them in 2019 to ensure their continued relevance.
The TCB strand of QUIC sought to develop new ways of supporting researchers at different stages of software use, in promoting the adoption of advanced analytic techniques and software tools, and in illustrating such innovations through an outreach seminar series, exemplar projects and web-based learning materials.
We combined empirical research and software training to develop a set of interactive web-based protocols for different practical and methodological purposes. Alongside the existing one-day training programme, we began running a new series of two-day training workshops in the use of leading qualitative software at which participants worked with their own data. A sample of participants from each workshop were invited to partake in a longitudinal project in which we tracked their use of software. Their experiences contributed to the design of the materials found here.