The Centre for Research on Ageing and Generations (CRAG) brings together social scientific expertise to conduct policy-relevant research. The centre was formerly known as the Centre for Research on Ageing and Gender.
The Centre for Research on Ageing and Generations (CRAG) examines these important aspects of human experience from a life course perspective, paying attention to change over time and in relation to different social, economic, political and cultural conditions. CRAG brings together researchers from across the University of Surrey who are interested in questions of: human ageing and generations; intergenerational exchanges, practices and relations; and cross-generational solidarity and differences.
Main research themes
- Families and the life course
- Socio-historical cohort generations
- Ageing
- Relative and absolute social mobility.
Within these themes, CRAG incorporates the diversity of research interests of its co-directors and affiliated members at the University of Surrey.