Astrophysics Research Group

Our group is part of the School of Mathematics and Physics. We work on key problems from the smallest to the largest scales: stars and galaxies, evolution of the Milky Way, dark matter and dark energy, formation and evolution of supermassive black holes, and sources of gravitational waves.

We combine multi-scale numerical simulations with observational data to advance our knowledge of the Universe.

Our research

Our goal is to solve key problems in modern astrophysics by fostering an environment of the highest quality research and learning.

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Looking to apply for an ERF (Ernest Rutherford Fellowship) in Astro in the UK? We are looking for good candidates a…
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Are you considering a PhD in Astrophysics? Come work with us! We have STFC funding for 1 PhD position, and a choice…
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This is a great opportunity. Please get in touch if you'd like to apply with us as a host.