Centre for Translation Studies
At the Centre for Translation Studies (CTS), we are dedicated to cutting-edge research, scholarship and teaching in translation, interpreting and other forms of inter- and intra-lingual communication. Since our formation in 1982, we have contributed to the theoretical advancement of translation and interpreting studies, whilst achieving real-world applicability by studying translation and interpreting as socio-technological practices, highlighting their economic and social value and their role as an enabling force for a globally connected world.
Our mission
As human practices of translation and interpreting are increasingly supported, enhanced and sometimes replaced by technologies, our vision is to promote a human-centric approach to technology use in translation and interpreting. Following our 2019 Expanding Excellence in England (E3) award, we aim to create an interdisciplinary centre for translation, interpreting and related forms of communication by bringing together traditional human-based research practices with cutting-edge advances in artificial intelligence.
Our research focuses on integrating our knowledge about how human translators and interpreters approach their task and how they interact with and through technologies with research into the automation of these practices. We have a reputation for conducting high-quality research into emerging modalities of translation and interpreting.
Study with us
Our courses have been developed alongside industry leaders, to ensure you have the skills required for your chosen profession within the translation and interpreting field.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Our research-led CPD courses will expand the competences and skills of translators and interpreters. They will also help other professionals and companies to understand how modern language services supported by advanced technologies operate.
We are interested in working with your organisation in a collaborative process of shared learning and our research and consultancy can fill gaps in your in-house resources, giving you access to the latest ideas and business solutions. We also members of the following organisations:
Our staff members
Professor Sabine Braun
Professor of Translation Studies, Director of the Centre for Translation Studies, Co-Director (FASS) of the Surrey Institute for People-Centred Artificial Intelligence
Dr Dimitris Asimakoulas
Deputy Director (Centre for Translation Studies), Director of Studies (Literature and Languages), Programme Leader: MRes AI for Translation and Interpreting Studies; MA Translation & AI; MA Translation, Interpreting & AI; MA Interpreting, Technology & AI
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