
We have a world-class reputation for our research in hospitality, tourism, transport and events. Our excellent facilities and vibrant research culture attract researchers and doctoral students from around the world, creating a diverse, creative and stimulating research community.

Our three research centres, Cove, DIGMY and SWELL, and our new research group GESPi, bring together the diverse multi-disciplinary research expertise of our staff in hospitality, tourism, transport and events. We focus on the grand challenges our sectors are facing and endeavour to undertake transformational research so as to play our part in creating a better world.

Research impact

We've seen our research impact policy change, improve business tools in the hospitality, tourism, transport and events industries and influence professional standards, guidelines and training. We pride ourselves in designing and delivering research which impacts on culture and society, economy, commerce and organisations, practitioner and professional services, the environment, health and welfare, public policy, law and services, the events sector, and the food sector.

The Surrey Hospitality and Tourism Management is home to one of the largest communities of hospitality, tourism and events PhD scholars in the world, hosting more than 50 postgraduate researchers from 20 different nationalities across all continents, working on cutting-edge topics linked to one of the three research centres.