

In common with most websites, the University of Surrey site makes use of cookies.

A cookie is a small data file which is downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. When you return to a previously visited website - or visit a website that uses the same cookies – that website will recognise these cookies and therefore your device.

Cookies perform essential functions, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently and generally improving your browsing experience.

We do not use cookies to store personal information, nor do we use them to identify individuals.

We use the information stored in these files in three ways:

Essential cookies

These cookies are necessary, as they enable you to move around our website and use its features. These cookies don't gather information about you that could be used for marketing or remembering where you've been on the internet.

Cookie name
cookieconsent_status ( 

Insight cookies

These cookies collect information about how you use our website, for example which pages you go to most often and if you get error messages from certain pages. These cookies don't gather any information that identifies you. All information these cookies collect is anonymous and is only used to improve how a website works, using the web analytics platforms Matomo, Google Analytics and Hotjar.

You can switch them off but without these cookies we can't learn how our website is performing and make relevant improvements to enhance your browsing experience.

Cookie name

Marketing cookies

These cookies gather information about your browsing habits. They remember that you've visited a particular website and share this information with other organisations such as advertisers. This helps us to provide you with ads that are more relevant to you and your interests, and to measure their delivery and effectiveness. Although these cookies can track your visits to other websites, they don't usually know who you are.

Without these cookies enabled advertisements you see online will be less relevant to you and your interests.

Cookie name
test_cookie (
fr (
tr (Facebook pixel)
fbp (
BizoID (
lang (
lidc (
In_or (
UserMatchHistory (
bcookie (
bscookie (  
_gcl_au (Google Tag Manager)
_gca (Quantcast)

This website also uses Google Analytics Demographics and Interest reporting. Visitors can opt-out by using the Ads Settings.

Visitors can also opt out using the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on.

Further information about Google products and cookies can be found on the following links: